Cost of importing a car, truck, motorcycle or boar

Cost estimate of importing a car into the EU

The formula to calculate the cost of importing a car into the EU via USA Car Import is roughly:

(((purchase price of the car + € 1500) x 10% importduties) x .. % VAT)

The amount is excluding:

  • Transport Insurance, 1,5% ( your risk in case of damage € 350)
  • Port cost unloading container and administration fee  € 525
  • The importduties of a truck, van or pickup truck with a bin longer than 50% of the wheelbase (center hub to center hub) is 22%. The importduties for a boat are 1,7% (seaworthy yacht = 0%) and a motorcycle 7%.

Classic vehicle: car, truck, caravan, motorcycle, etc

  • Cars older than 30 years which are in original condition are exempt from import duties and only 6% VAT has to be paid.
  • A classis car may be restored, but with original parts and still with steering at the original LHD of RHD configuration and with an original (resrored) engine and drivetrain.
  • The cost of the individual type approval varies per country. USA Car Import can help to arrange the type approval / homologation for several European Countries.

Estimate of cost to import a motorcycle into the EU

  • ( ( (purchase price of the motor € 550 estimate shipping cost) x 6 % import * ) x 21 % VAT )
  • Transport Insurance, 1,5% ( your risk in case of damage € 350)
  • Port cost unloading container and administration fee  of € 395
  • The technical modifications and approval of a motorcycle are  approximately € 975 plus VAT .



Free  - € 35
  • Quote for a transport rate for car, caravan or mobile home
 € 35
  • Check / match an offer for a vehile
  • Checken / matching of a transport offer
€ 35
  • seach for a vehicle in the US by USA Car Import's experienced purchaser / Carfinder
 € 75
  • Carfax check 
 € 20
  • Technical inspection rapport with 50 - 120 photos and check of 180 aspects
 € 390 - € 450
  • Price negotiation with the seller
 € 45
  • Pay the vehicle in return for car and title incl verification title and VIN number
 € 495
  • Costumised leather trim, accessoirimontage assessoires, etc in the US
 On request
  • Landtransport in the US, approx
$ 1 per mile
  • Seafreight of your vehicle in a premium zeecontainer
 € 1.250 - € 1.950 plus BTW
  • Transport of vehicles too large for a container
 $ 55 - $ 65 per m2
  • Affortable transport insurance with low own risk of just slechts € 350
 1,2% - 1,5%
  • Unloading your vehucle from the container
 € 525
  • Individual type approval for the vehicle

On request

Cost of importing a car, truck, motorcycle or boar

Toyota Import Offers

Toyota Import Offers

What they can do in the US: so can we!

  • Import with fleet / dealer discount
  • Toyota Land Cruiser Hybrid
  • Toyota Tundra 1794 Hybid
  • Toyota Tacoma Hybrid TRD Pro
  • Toyota Sequoia TRD Pro
  • Toyota Land Cruiser Classic V8 5.7
  • And other models: new or pre-owned
US - EU charging cable adapters for American electric and hybrid car

US - EU charging cable adapters for American electric and hybrid car

  • US to EU charging cable, phase 1, 5 meter, 32 amp.
  • US - EU charging cable adapter: 7.4 kw, 32 amp.
  • Quick charger adapter, 200 amp.


Do you want an average car, or do you want to be a MOVIESTAR?

Do you want an average car, or do you want to be a MOVIESTAR?

  • Do you want an average car, or do you want to be a ** MOVIESTAR ** 
  • This is a common saying of Lenny, our Florida colleague and buyer.
  •  He knows the local car market well.
  •  He never settles for 'average'. Only with the best!
  •  And you as cleint benefits from that.
Contact us for yoyur dream car