Programming US navigation radio

Regarding radio's USA Car Import offer a great solution.


The latest models navigation and radios of US vehicules cars can now be programmed to EU specs:

  • radio frequencies
  • menu language
  • spoken navigation
  • speech recognition.



  • New 2016 GM models / navigation unit look the same as old units but have marking HMI2.5
  • We can arrange to EU specs: radio, menu language, spoken navigation and speech recognition 

Dodge - Ram trucks

  • There are modifications in the 2016 software of Dodge - Chrysler (VP3/VP4) unit.
  • Most pof 2016 cars have 15.25.8 software.
  • This can now be modified to EU specs: radio, menu language, spoken navigation and speech recognition.
  • Also the NA/MX/CA models)
  • Extension for the radio's are possible such as
    front camera, AV input, operate the navigation during driving and forced rear cam


  • All current Ford sync touch systemen can be programmes fully to EU specs.
  • Also the the Ford Sync touch radios without navigation zonder can be activated with navigation.

    Jan 2016: Some Ford 2016 model have the SYNC3 systeem. (like the Mustang 2016)
    Currently our program partner is working on the programming.
    ( This system does not work with sd cards for the navigation)


The units can be programmed: both the navigation box and radio tuner and needed and will be send back after programming.

Programming US navigation radio

Toyota Import Offers

Toyota Import Offers

What they can do in the US: so can we!

  • Import with fleet / dealer discount
  • Toyota Land Cruiser Hybrid
  • Toyota Tundra 1794 Hybid
  • Toyota Tacoma Hybrid TRD Pro
  • Toyota Sequoia TRD Pro
  • Toyota Land Cruiser Classic V8 5.7
  • And other models: new or pre-owned
US - EU charging cable adapters for American electric and hybrid car

US - EU charging cable adapters for American electric and hybrid car

  • US to EU charging cable, phase 1, 5 meter, 32 amp.
  • US - EU charging cable adapter: 7.4 kw, 32 amp.
  • Quick charger adapter, 200 amp.


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Do you want an average car, or do you want to be a MOVIESTAR?

  • Do you want an average car, or do you want to be a ** MOVIESTAR ** 
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